We are all Afghans
RobynGoods launches this “We are all Afghans” Campaign to raise funds that give us the opportunity to contribute to the fight that lies ahead in defense of basic human rights. In a country with a population of more than 38 million people, of which more than 18 million are women, humanity cannot tolerate the great injustice that is about to take place. Especially those more than 18 million women. It is intolerable!
We cannot tolerate that milestones achieved by our ancestors more than 70 years ago, improving the basic freedoms of human beings, are violated with impunity by medieval factions that act unscrupulously by cutting off freedoms, and in this special case that it confers on us, that of women. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was achieved in 1948 at the United Nations General Assembly, on December 10, translated into more than 500 languages.
Basic concepts are defined such as:
1.- All people have all the rights and freedoms without distinction of race, SEX, language, religion, political opinion, national or social origin, economic position, birth, or any other condition.
2.- Every individual has the right to life, liberty, and security of his person.
3.- No one shall be subjected to slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade are prohibited in all their forms.
4.- No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
5.- All are equal before the law and have, without distinction, the right to equal protection. Everyone is entitled to equal protection against any discrimination that violates this Declaration and against any provocation to such discrimination.
6.- Every person has the right to move freely and to choose his residence in the territory of a State. Everyone has the right to leave any country, including their own, and to return to their country.
And a long etcetera, reaching 30 articles, that were approved so that every human being will not suffer and can live in freedom. Now in the year 2021, all these rights are violated, with an emphasis on women. Women are going to be the ones who are going to suffer the most the violations of their rights and a good note of what they are going to suffer are reflected in the 29 rules imposed by the Taliban.
Please read them with conscience, not thinking that they are just letters on a screen, think when you are reading it of your grandmothers, mother, sisters, daughters, in the sex of humanity that makes the miracle of life continue.
Some of them…
- All women are prohibited from working outside the home. Except nurses and doctors.
- They are prohibited from going out without a father, brother or husband.
- Women cannot study.
- They are required to wear burqas from head to toe.
- If women do not dress according to the rules, they are exposed to whippings and beatings. The same if they are on the street without a relative.
- They will get beat up if they show their ankles.
- They will be stoned if they have sex outside of marriage.
- They cannot go on TV, Radio, or public gatherings.
- They should never wear bright colors on their clothes.
- They are not allowed to access public toilets.
- Images of women in magazines, books, house walls or shops are prohibited.
It is not surprising that, faced with this new and terrible panorama, there is a group of women who have taken up arms to defend themselves and stop the advance of the Taliban. Some are willing to die before submitting to the new restrictions imposed by the regime.
Join our action, We are all Afghans.
RobynGoods launches the Campaign We Are All Afghans where 100% of our profit will be used in the fight against this social injustice. With the aim of obtaining economic funds that we will put in the hands of NGOs that firmly demonstrate their projects related to this fight.
In addition, to encourage the purchase with the help that we put at your disposal, we have created the discount code HUMANRIGHTROBYNIAN with which you will get a 5% discount on all your purchases.
To facilitate the choice of our campaign We are all Afghans when it comes to allocating 100% of our profit, we have set up a personalized store where it is not necessary to choose the destination of your donation, since all the donations will go to this campaign with any product you buy from RobynGoods. https://robyngoods.com/en/ent/52/hellafghans
For all the women who will not be able to go out and will have to suffer the consequences. The rest of world society cannot stand idly by. We have to activate and unite so that the governments of all the countries of the world prevent this situation.
We call on citizens to inform us of NGOs that they know and are serious and honest so that they are recipients of the funds that we will get together.
All the money raised will be reported to the entire community on our social networks, Instagram: @ robyn.goods, Facebook: @ RobynGoods.org, as well as on our informative website robyngoods.org