Work and Work Integration

Employment and labour integration, important for a decent life

They are social actions distributed all over the world to improve employability and facilitate the social and labour insertion for others or for the unemployed.

For this, comprehensive and personalized employment services are used that include information and job orientation, training for employment and self-employment, mediation in hiring and networking, as well as advice for entrepreneurship.

The activity is aimed at those who are actively looking for work, paying special attention to people with the most difficulties to access the labour market: young people, migrants, women, drug addicts in the process of detoxification, people with disabilities, people over 45 years old, (ex) inmates and ethnic minorities.

Work is essential for a decent life, to be able to assume the minimum expenses for a good life; Let's help everyone to achieve it!


Nahia is a non-profit entity with the headquarter in San Cristóbal de La Laguna/Tenerife, but its territorial scope of action is the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands. The journey began in March 2015 and arises from the initiative of several professionals to launch a project of socio-labour insertion for young people in social exclusion or at risk of suffering it. 

Info: (pincha aquí) - Tienda Solidaria: (pincha aquí)