You are walking with your cup of coffee and suddenly someone walks by, pushes you and makes your coffee spill everywhere.
- Why did you spill your coffee?
- Because someone pushed me
Wrong answer:
You spilled the coffee because you had coffee in your cup. If it had been tea, you would have spilled the tea.
What you have in the cup is what is going to spill.
Therefore, when life shakes you (how sure will happen) whatever you have inside you, you will spill.
You can go through life pretending that your cup is full of virtues, but when life pushes you, you will spill what you actually have inside. Eventually the truth comes out.
So you have to ask yourself. What's in my cup?
When life gets tough, what am I gonna spill?
Joy, gratitude, peace, humility?
Or anger, bitterness, harsh words or reactions?
You choose!
Now, work on filling your cup with gratitude, forgiveness, joy, positive and kind words, generosity, and love for others.
Whatever your cup is full of, you are responsible.
And see that life shakes, shakes more times than you can imagine.